Kritter Sitters of Minneapolis
Kritter Sitters Pre-Travel Checklist
Please provide or complete the following items before each trip.
1) Vet Authorization (for vet emergency care if I can't reach you)- Still in the agreed-upon location in your home.
- Current and complete credit card info: including name, number, expiration, and 3-digit number from the back (very important). Checks cannot be used. Cash or loaded Visa card are alternatives, if you don't have a personal credit card.
- Instructions once monetary limit is reached, and any additional care or treatment information you'd want us to follow.
2) Flight Itinerary or Driving Timetable - and Destination(s)
- Email your complete flight info: including all airlines, accurate flight numbers, dates, specific times (i.e. 3pm, instead of "afternoon", etc.).
- If driving, provide your estimated time leaving the house, and returning to the house.
- Always include your destinations. We use this to track weather and travel delays.
3) Dates, times, and number of visits per day needed
- Confirm which specific days you need visits - if they are inclusive of the dates of travel or if they start and end between dates of travel.
- Indicate number of visits needed daily: once, 2x when needed, every-other day if appropriate.
- Please indicate specific times you'll leave your home, and return home (i.e. 3pm, instead of "afternoon", etc.).
4) Contact numbers
- If you are going to be out of the country, or off the grid - provide other contact information (hotels, other numbers, etc.) beyond your cell phones.
- If you will be unreachable, tell us. Provide a local contact who knows your pets.
- Provide a contact person who can take on your pets should something happen to you.
5) Home and Pets
- Are there ample supplies for your pets?
- Has anything changed for your pets (health, food, meds, routine, behavior, etc.)?
- Has anything changed at your home (new alarm system, key changes, things to check on, etc.?)
6) Others in your home?
- Will anyone else besides Kritter Sitters be entering your home during your absence?
Additional Reminders:
- Make sure to bring our contact information with you (at the top of this page).
- Call or text us with early OR late returns, or any other travel changes - from your destinations. (We provide extra visits for unexpected delays, but do not wish to make unnecessary trips, particularly late at night or during bad weather. We appreciate your consideration.).
- Leave some lights on please, so we don't arrive to a dark house.
- Arrange for snow removal during winter months and park all vehicles off city streets.
Visit Times:
For cats or cage pets:
- Twice a day visits occur a.m. and p.m. for pets with medications or feeding regimens.
- Once a day, or every-other day visits for pets without special needs occur at any time of day.
For dogs:
- Three to four times daily, depending on specific needs. (Twice-daily visits are considered for dogs with potty pads, or that have access to safe outdoor enclosures).
Please do routine feedings and meds before leaving - if our visit will start later, or the next day.